
In order to make it easier for people to keep up to date with new releases of TikZ-Feynman, TikZ-Feynman’s versioning approximately follows semantic versioning, and it is recommended that users load the package with \usepackage[compat=x.y.z]{tikz-feynman}. A log of the important changes is kept here, and a complete log of every change is kept through the commit history on Github.

Semantic versioning is a way of labelling changes to a program in such a way that users know immediately how big this change is. In the case of TikZ-Feynman, I intend to approximately follow semantic versioning:

  • Changes in the third number (1.0.0 to 1.0.1) will consist of bug fixes and very minor changes but they should not change the output otherwise.
  • Changes in the second number (1.0.0 to 1.1.0) will consist of new features but everything should be backwards compatible, or the backward incompatible change should only be very minor. The generated output should remain mostly unchanged.
  • Finally, changes in the first number (1.0.0 to 2.0.0) indicates a major change in the package and code written for 1.0.0 is not guaranteed to work on 2.0.0.

The changes for each version are listed below, along with explanation as the possible repercussions.


5th February 2016

  • Edge styles now all stack. Originally, specifying multiple styles (such as [fermion, gluon]) would sometimes result in the both styles being used, or the latter replacing the first. Now, all edge styles are applied and stack thus allowing for many styles used in supersymmetry models.

  • A new edge style, plain, is introduced. This allows the having with a straight line going through another style. For example, [plain, gluon] will result in a gluino.

  • Simplified the use of every <key>. Originally, modifying these keys required one to use every <key>/.style={...}, which is not necessarily the most intuitive. This has been replaced with every <key>={...}.


5th February 2016

  • Allow for compat=x.y.z as an argument when loading the package. TikZ-Feynman: \usepackage[compat=1.0.1]{tikz-feynman}.

  • Using pdfLaTeX fails gracefully. It was always intended that TikZ-Feynman fail gracefully if LuaLaTeX isn’t used and I introduced a warning to that effect; however, all the keys that require LuaLaTeX still caused compilations to fail. Instead, every use of a key which requires LuaLaTeX produces another warning.

  • Fix compatibility with TikZ v3.0.0. Although the ways versions 3.0.0, 3.0.1 and 3.0.1a is fixed is the same, the patch file included had minor differences with 3.0.0 which caused errors.

  • Allow for new lines in arguments. For some reason, LaTeX treats new lines within #1 in the definition of macros slightly differently to newline outside. As a result, the following valid code now works:

    	\feynmandiagram [
    	  vertical=a to b
    	] {
    	  a -- b


19th January 2016

  • First release.
© 2023 Joshua P. Ellis
This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0